Reflections and experiences of grief
10 things I wish I knew after my Mum died
Our chair Dave, delves into things he wish he knew at the beginning of his grief journey.
Embracing fatherhood after loss
During his extended paternity leave, our trustee Harry pondered a question: "Does fatherhood feel like healing after losing his dad?"
Secondary Grief
‘when you attach meaning to a date or experience, and you go through that feeling of loss all over again.’
There Is No ‘Easy’ Way to Lose Someone
Rebecca delves into the question ‘is really a preferable way to lose a parent?’
Press Pause
In this post Rebecca reflects on the feeling of needing a ‘pause button’ and how it is okay to take time out when you’re grieving.
Becoming a different version of yourself after grief
In this post, Alice, discusses the year abroad she embarked on after her dad passed away.
Loss and Other People
Ben, talks through the differences in those who empathise and those who sympathise with loss and why you need both types of people.
Guilt-free grief?
We lose our way of life before their death. Guilt is often quick to strike and can strip us of the joy we once had.
Post Traumatic Growth, a different perspective
David and Libby discuss the theory of post traumatic growth and their experiences.
Release of emotion
‘When it comes to emotion driven by grief, we can somehow be completely betrayed by our reactions.’
A letter to my 27 year old self
Nia lost her dad at 27 and in this post she delves into things she wished she’d known and things she’s learnt since.
Grief, Summer and Comparison
In this blog post, Katie looks into the pressure we can feel as summer rolls around and how this can be difficult when you’re grieving.
Processing Guilt
In this post, Ben, talks about the guilt he felt after his dad passed away. Particularly around his relationship with his mother.
Same pain, different perspectives
Ben explores the differences in his relationships between him and his parents and how this changed after losing his father suddenly.
Making Room for Relief
Relief can be a difficult feeling and often one that comes with guilt but it is also very common and not something to be ashamed of.
Coping with the Loss of a Parent Despite a Strained Relationship
Coping with the loss of a parent is incredibly tough, and it becomes even more complex when you've had a strained relationship.
Reconnecting and rediscovering
“The future was exciting. But after losing a parent, the world can feel more hostile. Life can feel colder and more harsh.”
The fear of ‘feeling better’
‘When he’d died, I’d been so sad I’d worried I’d never feel better.’ - Freya Bromley, The Tidal Year.
Embracing Resilience
As a young person, life seems to be in a constant state of flux at all times. Adding grief on top can be hard to deal with.
15 things no one tells you when you lose a parent suddenly
In this post Nia reflects on all the things she wasn’t expecting when she lost her dad suddenly at 27.
The Unspoken Truth: Losing a parent now is also losing a future parent
In this post Dr Marianne Trent discusses the loss of a parent and the secondary losses you face.