Managing relationships after loss
Anniversaries and friendships
Alice delves into her thoughts on anniversaries, specific dates and also how friendships have changes two years on from her dads passing.
Dating while grieving
In this blog post, Katie discusses dating while grieving and how to manage difficult feelings and conversations.
Grieving differently to your family
The second post in our 'Navigating Grief' series, which is exploring the difficult parts of grief and the difficulties in can cause in relationships.
Supporting your partner after the loss of a parent
In this post Sophie reflects on 4 key ways she supports her partner after the loss of his dad.
Loss and Other People
Ben, talks through the differences in those who empathise and those who sympathise with loss and why you need both types of people.
How My Best Friend Helped Me Navigate Grief
Mark shares his experience of how his best friend, Ryan helped him through his grief.
Same pain, different perspectives
Ben explores the differences in his relationships between him and his parents and how this chnged after losing his father suddenly.
Friendship Difficulties & Losing Friends
In this blog post, Ben discusses his troubles in friendships after losing his dad at 15.
Supporting your friends or partner on Father’s Day
In this post our intern, Romy, shares tips for helping a friend or partner through Father’s Day.
Supporting the parent left behind
In this post, Katie discusses ways to support the parent left behind while also looking after yourself.
Why We Need to Talk About Grief at Work
This discusses grief in the workplace and why it is okay to talk about your needs.