Taradee’s Story

On 23rd February 2021 I very suddenly and compeletly unexpected lost my mum. I was 24 at the time and my mum was 56. I had already lost my dad at the age of 12 , suddenly the world became a very lonely and unsure place.

There are so many things nobody talks about or can ever prepare you for of the lost of a parent, and my mum was my whole world and my best friend. I suddenly had to navigate a world without her and navigate the world as a new adult.

The hardest part isn't the few months after, or the funeral or sorting through their belongings. It's all the time after, the firsts after and the little things that remind you, the feelings of anger and confusion and feeling completely lost. It's learning how to co-exisit with grief and to know that they are people who have very sadly gone through similar situations when you feel stuck.

I want to be able to turn the pain into power and to help bring a community together to support others going through this heartbreaking time, to leave a legacy for my mum and to share the awareness and share the light of this amazing charity!


Leading After Loss - Oliver Groarke


Oliver’s Story