Tips for the first day

In this article, we will try and cover all the common questions and worries you may have before starting a new job. If you have any more questions, feel free to send us an email!

What do I wear?

For an interview, it is always best to go smart, don’t worry about being overdressed.

For your first day, it can be helpful to ask HR or whoever is interviewing you what the workplace dress code is.

If they do not have a dress code, again, it is better to be smart. Even if you turn up and everyone is very casual, that’s okay, you can adjust as you go!

Helpful tips for your first day:

  • Plan your commute

    The first day at a new job is stressful enough without getting lost or being late. It can be helpful to either plan your commute or even do a test run the day before.

  • Be early

    Similarly, it is always better to set off with more than enough time than be worried you’ll be late. It is normal to turn up 10-15 minutes early and if you’re any earlier it is the perfect time to grab a drink or take a minute to calm your nerves.

  • Ask questions

    Know that is okay to ask questions. They don’t expect you to know everything, even if this isn’t your very first job, every workplace is different.

  • Is there anything you need for the first day?

    Sometimes your new employer will ask you to bring certain paperwork. Have this prepared and ready so you’re not trying to find everything that the first morning.

  • Review the job spec and company

    It can be so scary starting a new job, with lots of expectations and unknowns. A good way to help ease any nerves is to review your job spec and contract. What is expected of you? And take some time to look at the company. You’ve probably done this before interviews but refreshing yourself is always helpful. Take a look at their website, social media or LinkedIn.

  • Take it all in

    Within your first week, you will be meeting a lot of new people, and learning new processes and it can be a lot. It is okay to just take your time and take it all in. Carry a notebook so you can write anything down, ask questions and don’t feel like you’re supposed to know everything - you’re learning.


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